Proudly Serving Jamaica, Queens
Representation You Can Trust in NY
Cities are places known for congested traffic, a high volume of people, a wide array of cultures and also a high crime rate. In Queens County, the rates for all types of recorded crimes are higher than both state and national averages. According to the crime rate index, a score of "100" is the national average. The robbery risk for Queens County is 256, the murder risk is 158 and the assault risk is 146. Some of the busiest neighborhoods of Jamaica are where a bulk of the crimes occur. Jamaica Avenue, Hillside Avenue and Sutphin Boulevard are a few examples of the high-traffic areas that make the neighborhood of Jamaica what it is.
The neighborhood of Jamaica is also in close proximity to other neighborhoods such as Queens Village, Jackson Heights, Howard Beach and Bellerose. Statistical data gives individuals and law enforcement a very strong basis for being tough on crime. You may have been arrested and charged with a crime that you are not guilty of. This leaves little room to deal with a criminal charge lightly. Those who have been charged with drug crimes, sex crimes, probation violations and the like will need help from an experienced attorney.
The Musa-Obregon Difference
Being charged with a crime in an area that takes crime extremely seriously means that you cannot afford to represent yourself or obtain the help of a lesser firm. We have been serving the neighborhoods of Queens for more than 22 years, and our attorneys collectively form 50 years of experience. In drug cases alone, to attest to our quality, we have successfully defended cases worth up to $40 million. We also have former prosecutors on our team, which means that we have a better understanding of how to combat the arguments of the prosecution.
Please don't hesitate to call Musa-Obregon Law PC today. We advocate on behalf of individuals throughout Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhattan, Rockland County and Westchester County.