Find Immigration Detainee
How Do You Find an Immigration Detainee?
The United States Immigrations and Customs Enforcements (ICE) allows family members to quickly locate a loved one or relative who is being detained. This is done through an online system. Families can be alerted promptly if their loved one is having difficulties with arriving g to the U.S.
Musa-Obregon Law PC is a team of New York immigration attorneys who are committed to helping clients achieve their immigration goals. Do you have a family member who is being detained? Contact us for legal assistance!
What Information Do I Need?
Before you can use the online detainee locator system provided by ICE, you should have some information ready to help identify your loved one. As New York immigration lawyers, we have the necessary legal insight to ensure you have all of the information at the ready.
You must have the following information on hand:
- The country where the detainee was born
- The detainee’s biographical information, such as date of birth
- The detainee’s age – you cannot locate detainees who are under 18
- Whether or not the detainee is in custody or has been released recently
- The A-number—this is provided by the Department of Homeland Security
Musa-Obregon Law PC understands how difficult the laws can be to decipher. Immigration laws, in particular, will constantly shift and accommodate to the changing tides in immigration patterns. If you have a loved one who is currently being detained by ICE, we urge you to retain knowledgeable legal counsel.
Hire a New York Immigration Attorney!
Any time ICE becomes involved, particularly in a case of immigration detention, then swift intervention is critical. We at Musa-Obregon Law PC are well-equipped to protect you or your loved one and preserve your rights. We are known for our highly skilled and tenacious legal advocacy and are extremely knowledgeable in how to handle immigration court cases.
Have you or a loved one been detained? Discuss the matter with us today in a free consultation.